Cruise Ship = Pot of Gold

Single and double rainbows blanketed downtown Juneau skies this afternoon.  For OVER AN HOUR.  On days like these, it reminds me: you can't have the rainbow without the rain. 

Partial view of double rainbow, as seen from Douglas Island. 

It kept getting brighter and brighter.

Gastineau Channel + yacht + rainbow = Alaska's playground

A rainbow and a massive cruise ship, as seen from The Alaska Club, a Juneau fitness center.

View of the double rainbow from my treadmill at The Alaska Club.  I LOVE Alaska!

The Thunder Rolls in Juneau

Juneau experienced a rare - albeit thrilling - thunderstorm this afternoon, complete with an impressive lightning show.  I've lived in Juneau since February 2009, and this was my first time hearing thunder and seeing lightning in Alaska.  Needless to say, it brought back memories of Alabama and the torrential downpours that come right before a tornado.  It goes without saying: I'm glad there are no tornadoes in these parts.

Taken by my trusty iPhone 4S. 

Old Man Winter, Meet Stunner Summer

When I was in Anchorage just two weeks ago, it snowed.  SNOWED.  IN MAY. 

Apparently, Anchorage set a record for its longest snow season on record.  Well, I'm all for setting records and such, but SNOW?  IN MAY?  Gimme a break, Mother Nature.​

Juneau weather, on the other hand, has been spectacular lately!  Usually when our rain and snow gets to me, I escape north to Anchorage - where the weather is drier and I can get my fix on big city delights, like Nordstroms, Second Run, and Spenard Roadhouse.  But this latest trip was different.  Warmer climes were on the horizon for Southeast Alaska, so I was in a big hurry to get back to Juneau.

​I'm staying optimistic.  Summer is on her way.  I just know it.​​

That white stuff?  Oh, that's just a little snow.  In May.

Snow accumulation in Anchorage on May 17.  Photo and caption courtesy of Sharon Kim.

Snow at Echo Cove (north of Juneau) on May 17, 2013.​

And then there was summer in Southeast...

​FACT: usually the 7 and the 2 are switched.

Lunchtime shenanigans in the sun.​

After work R&R with a sleeping bag, juice box, and sun, sun, SUN!​ 

​Hanging out with Mary at Sandy Beach on Douglas Island.

Our version of sunbathing includes ​sweaters, qiviut scarves, and glam shades.  We were almost blinded by the sun.

​You know it's the end of winter when the sunroof is open.