"Memories of Momma" — A 71 Day Photo Tribute (Day 28)



I have mixed emotions when I see this picture. It was the afternoon of March 10, 1983. I think Momma had been in labor ~26 hours.

The look on her face shows nothing less than sheer happiness. Daddy looks thrilled too (and maybe a little stunned) to finally be holding his squishy little girl. By the looks of the blood and fluid on Mom's hospital gown, I'm guessing they let Momma hold me first — as they should.

I have mixed emotions for this picture because seeing her in this hospital bed on my birth day reminds me of the deeply-engrained memories of her in the hospital bed in the final weeks of her life. Life comes full circle. She sacrificed everything to have me and to raise me.

She is the reason I am here. She is why I am who I am. I do this in honor of her. My dear sweet Momma.

*It's Day 28 of my 71 day photo series in honor of my dear sweet Momma who passed away on 03.21.2016 after a harrowing 71 day health battle. Those 71 days do not define her. Oh no. What defines her — and me — are the incredible 66 years that she lived her life. I hope you enjoy these snapshots of the beautiful moments and memories of her life.