"Memories of Momma" — A 71 Day Photo Tribute (Day 66)



One of Mom’s fondest memories was what she called “the best trip of her life.” Mom was visiting me the summer of 2014, and I had secretly planned a birthday trip to take her out on a floatplane to visit the Taku Glacier Lodge for a salmon bake and bear viewing.

I teed things up for weeks… whenever we’d see a floatplane in the sky, I’d say, “Geez Mom, would you ever get on one of those things?” She would emphatically say, “HELLLLL NAHHH!” A few weeks later, I told her I had a surprise and that she needed to be open minded.

When we parked down by the wharf, the floatplanes were flying in. It was an incredibly sunny blue-bird day. I said, “Guess what, Momma.We’re about to get on one of those planes!” She was shocked to say the least.She asked me multiple times if I was kidding. She kept shaking her head in disbelief, but I know she was deep down excited. Her nerves eventually subsided, and at the end of the day, she said it was the best trip ever.

*It's Day 66 of my 71 day photo series in honor of my dear sweet Momma who passed away on 03.21.2016 after a harrowing 71 day health battle. Those 71 days do not define her. Oh no. What defines her — and me — are the incredible 66 years that she lived her life. I hope you enjoy these snapshots of the beautiful moments and memories of her life.